Wesleyan Chappel

Current address, telephone number, work hours, people's testimonies Wesleyan Chappel. This company belongs to the following categories: establishment. You can find Wesleyan Chappel at 180 McCartney Road, Greenough, Western Australia 6532.


Postal address:
180 McCartney Road, Greenough, Western Australia 6532
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Phone number:
+61 93216088

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Opening times

We do not have information about the time of work.

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Reviews about Wesleyan Chappel

  • sal vador
    ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
    The Wesleyan Methodist chapel at Greenough, a limestone masonry building with a trussed timber roof structure and corrugated iron roof, is significant for the following reasons:

    the chapel forms part of a cultural landscape involving a rural setting with
    numerous historic structures and few modern intrusions, and is one of the more visually prominent structures in this landscape;

    the chapel is a popular subject for artists and photographers because of its design, notably its fine proportions and restrained ornamentation, as well as the romantic qualities which derive from its ruinous condition;

    the chapel provides tangible evidence of Wesleyan Methodist faith which is an important aspect of the Mid-West region's cultural history. In the past the chapel was one of the most important in the locality and served as a place for Wesleyan Methodist worship for over eighty years during which time many social and religious events have been conducted within its walls;

    at present the building contributes importantly to the community's sense of place, and as a monument has the potential to increase local and visitor awareness of the history of the Front Flats;

    the chapel commemorates the progression of society's values: the confidence which early pioneers had in the Christian faith and the important place that this faith had within the community, the contemporary social influences as expressed in the use of Gothic motifs in the architecture, the habits of Wesleyan worship as evidenced in the twin doorways, the celebration of certain families' exertions in the area of church work, and the widespread shift away from traditional Christian worship that occurred after the Second World War;

    and, the place has some potential to contribute to an understanding of aspects of Western Australian cultural history, particularly that which relates to early building practices, and the architectural form of other contemporary Wesleyan Methodist churches.
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